
Ethical principles of reference.

GIP intends to establish the principles of ethical reference in line with those defined in the “chart of corporate values”, elaborated by the European Institute for the sustainability reporting. Such principles represent the core values ​​which the Recipients must follow in the pursuit of the corporate mission and, in general, in the conduct of social activities.

All Group Companies adopt an Integrated Management System (Quality, Health and Safety and Model 231/2001): ethics are an intangible asset constituting value and condition of success.

A Supervisory Board is appointed to monitor actual violation of the Code of Ethics.

A few areas where above policy applies:

Responsibility and compliance with the laws

Compliance with laws, rules, and, in general, the regulations in Italy and in all the countries where GIP operates.

Any act of corruptive nature in any form, in any case, is expressly forbidden, therefore, it is not allowed to pursue or to realise the interests of the Company in violation of the laws.


Conflicts of interest must be avoided, meaning, generally, all situations in which the pursuit of the self-interest is contrary to the interests and mission of the Company.


No discrimination based on sex, nationality, religion, personal and political opinions, age, health and economic conditions of GIP Stakeholders, suppliers included.


No act of violence or threat aimed at obtaining behaviours contrary to regulations in force and/or the Code of Ethics.


Accuracy and completeness of information both inside and outside the Company.

All operations and transactions must be correctly recorded, authorised, verified, supported by documentation allowing controls.

Fair Competition

GIP is committed not to cause any harm to the image of the competitors and their products, and to protect the values of fair competition and fair trade.

Value of Human Resources

Human resources are recognised as a key and essential factor for business development. Professional development of its workforce is a key value withn GIP Companies.